Every speech that Judy delivers is packed with great take-points.
Your audience will laugh, sometimes cry, but always have an “ah-ha” moment.
While most people choose from the list below, custom messages can be crafted to meet the needs of your audience or event.
“Discovering and Cultivating your Passion”
"Legacy Leadership"
"5 Things a Centenarian Taught Me About Leadership"
“The Power of Keeping Your Promises”
“Size Matters”
"Discovering and Cultivating Your Passion"
"What makes You Different, Makes You Great"
Health and Wellness
“Grocery Store Must Haves for Longer Life”
“10 Tips to a Younger You”
“Diabetes Education: The Only Way to Snuff it Out”
“Hormones: Getting Your Life Back”
“Inflammation: Putting out the Fire that Causes Disease”
“10 Ways to Improve Health and Increase Longevity”
“Top 10 Tips for a Healthier Family”
HR Specific
“Are Your Lunch Options Killing Productivity” – HR accredited
“Healthy Leadership Starts at the Top”
“Motivating Employees to Make Healthier Choices”
“Human Capital: Your Greatest Investment”
“7 Steps to a Healthier Company”